






Universidade da Paz (UNPAZ) is a private University established in March 2004 by Neon Metin Foundation which was founded by a group of Timorese Intellectuals to (1) bridge thousands of young high schools graduates who intend to proceed their studies in higher education, (2) to assist people to invest their money in Timor Leste instead in other countries and (3) to facilitate those who want to maintain their works while studying.

As one of the only two institutionally accredited Universities in Timor-Leste (the other one is the Public Universidade Nacional de Timor Loro-Sa’e, UNTL), UNPAZ is the biggest private Higher Education Institution in Timor-Leste with about 8,000 students under the guidance of about 250 Lecturers.

I.  Academic Development;

A. Faculties and Departments

UNPAZ is running six (6) Faculties with their respective Departments such as bellow:

1. Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities:

– Department of International Relations;

– Department of Development Policy;

– Department of Peace Studies.

2. Faculty of Economics:

– Department of Management;

– Department of Accounting;

– Department of Banking.

3. Faculty of Law:

– Department of Criminal Law;

– Department of Civil Law.

4. Faculty of Engineering:

– Department of Architecture;

– Department of Industrial Engineering.

5. Faculty of Public Health

– Department of Public Health Management;

6. Faculty of Agricultural Technology

– Post-harvest Management.

In order to provide access to Higher Learning for Civil Servants and the public in general in remote areas, UNPAZ has expanded its academic activities to remote areas by creating Parallel Classes (called Social Classes) on Law, Public Health, Management, Accounting, Policy Studies and Agricultural Engineering in eight (8) Districts namely, Ainaro, Same, Suai, Ermera, Liquica, Bobonaro, Oecusse and Baucau.

This project has other objectives in view such as (1) avoidance of migration from rural areas to big cities with its subsequent problems and (2) reduction of unemployment rate in rural areas.

Another academic development feature is the implementation of Master Program on Law, Public Administration, Banking, and International Relations, being the last thought in English.

The policy of using English as a teaching language is an effort to effective mobility of students and lecturers among countries, especially within Asian and Pacific Region which Timor-Leste is a part of.

In addition to that UNPAZ also has built up cooperation with several Foreign Higher Education Institutions (see table below). The nature and the objectives of that cooperation are (1) lecturers’ exchange (2) students’ exchange and (3) joint research and curriculum designing as well.


Cooperation Between UNPAZ and Foreign Institutions



Type   of Cooperation

Indonesia Universitas Nusa Cendana Teaching and up-grading
Unika Widya Mandira Up-grading
ITS, Surabaya Up-grading
Unika Widya Mandala, Sby Up-grading
Universitas Airlangga, Sby Up-grading
UKSW, Salatiga Up-grading
UPN, Yogyakarta Up-grading
UNISULA, Semarang Up-grading
Australia The University of Melbourne Teaching and Research
The Menzies School, Darwing Research and up-grading
New Soth Wales University Up-grading
Phillipines St. Thomas Aquinas Up-grading
Malaysia Universitas Utara Malaysia Up-grading
Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia Up-grading

Besides the cooperation above mentioned, UNPAZ is an efective member of  United Board of Asian Christian Universities, an Higher Education Institutions that gathers 132 Universities and Colleges across Asia and Pacific Regions.

UNPAZ is also a member of  DIES ASEAN-QA Internal Track Dialogue Meeting based in Postdam University, Berlim, German and  member of Africa-Carabean-Pacific (APC) Forum, member of AUN (Asian Universities Network), member of AQAN (Asian Quality Assurance Network) and in very short future UNPAZ will be accepted as a new member of AHRAN (Asian Human Rights Association Network).

  1. B.     Supporting Bodies
    1. 1.        Center for Research and Analysis

In order to support academic development of UNPAZ, there is a research institution established in 2004 namely Center of Strategic Studies and Peace to assist the inner Faculties and government of Timor Leste in designing and running researches and analysis for their own references and policy purposes.

To reach this aim, the centre has conducted several studies both at intra-faculties and inter-faculties level, as well as with other Foreign Universities like Menzies School of Public Health (Darwin, Australia), the University of Melbourne (Australia), the Chemical Laboratory of Post Harvest of Catholic University Widya Mandala (Surabaya Indonesia) respectively on security issues, land issues, role of National Parliament, defense issues, malaria and dengue prevention and others. The results of those researches have been used as input for government of Timor Leste for its policy stipulation on the referred matter as well as becoming  references for Universities in Timor Leste in general and UNPAZ in particular.

  1. 2.         Quality Control

There are three bodies involved in the Quality Control, namely (1) Academic Council, (2) Directorate of Teaching and Education and (3) Directorate of Internal and External Quality Assurance.

The Academic Council (Conselho Academico), led by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, supervises the implementation of Minimum Curriculum content that has been stipulated by the Ministry of Education and Youth; the Directorate of Teaching and Education (Directorado do Ensino e Educacao) ensures the proper pedagogy and methodology used in teaching activities; the Directorate of Internal and External Quality Assurance (Directorado de Garantia de Qualidade Internal e External) deals with Standards of Accreditation both at programmatic and institutional levels.

Even there is a long journey to go trough, the existing outcomes are of enough satisfaction since most of the young graduates of UNPAZ have been successfully accepted and employed by several civil societies groups, government agencies, international agencies and other academic institutions across the country.

  1. 3.    Students Record

Under the umbrella of academic management there is an Academic and Students Administration Bureau (Biro Akademik dan Administrasi Kemahasiswaan, BAAK) responsible for recording, storing, and issuing academic data and information for students and other interested parts (parents, and donators).

  1. 4.      Development of the Learning Resources

In order to facilitate learning process, UNPAZ is able to provide several resources which comprise of:

  1. a.      Library development: currently, the UNPAZ’s library has 7,020 text books from 2,918 titles and 149 scientific journals aside from some unit library managed by each faculty or department.
  1. b.     Information and Communication Technology: UNPAZ has the ICT in place to assist the learning activities of students. It has 30 unit of computers equipped with internet access for both faculty members and students from 08:00 am to 08:00 pm in daily basis except on Sunday. Besides that there is an wireless connection device providing access to internet in the whole perimeter of main Campus.
  1. c.       Laboratory: Laboratory is installed to respond to some basic analysis on chemistry and biology practiced by the students of Industrial Engineering and agricultural technology.
  2. d.     Architecture Studio: The design studio also has been in place which equipped with some drawing tables, machines, and other facilities to assist the students of architecture as well as lecturers in their daily learning process.
  3. e.      Radio Studio: UNPAZ has set up a radio studio to broadcast the academic and administrative information to the public. It is a daily basis broadcasting from 06:00 am to 10:00 pm except on Sunday.
  4. f.       Properties and infrastructure development

UNPAZ has its own land with about 30,000 square meters located in in Osindo, Manleuana, Dili. On the land has been built six (6) main campus buildings (Campus A, B, C, D, E and F) with approximately 4,000 square meters. Another building with approximately 1,300 square meters is still undergoing construction (campus G). In the main Campus there is also a multi-purpose “canopy” with 820 square meters.

Besides the main Campuses in Dili, UNPAZ is developing a Satellite Campus in Liquica in a land of 50,000 square meters. This Satellite Campus will be destined to Natural Sciences Faculties.

  1. g.      Primary Care Unit operates under the umbrella of Public Health Faculty of UNPAZ. It is managed by a medical doctor with the assistance of some para-medical staffs to provide primary care to the students and lecturers who face any accidents or health problems.


  1. 5.      Lecturers, Students and Administration Staff
    1. a.      Lecturers

Currently, UNPAZ employs 214 lecturers comprising 171 full time lecturers and 43 with contract status as well as some visiting lecturers from Indonesia and the Philippines. Those lecturers except the visiting lecturers are deployed both at the main campus in Dili as well as teaching at the 8 social classes in the district of Oecusse, Maliana, Suai, Ermera, Ainaro, Same, Baucau and Liquica.

Rankly, UNPAZ has 6 Professors, 10 PhD degrees, 65 Master degrees, and the remaining are under graduate degrees.

  1. b.     Students

Currently, the total student of UNPAZ is 8.779 dispersed in 12 Programs of Study at Under-Graduate and 3 Programs of Post Graduate at Master level.

  1. c.       Administration Staff

   The Administration Staff deployed at University level, Faculty level and Department levels sums 65 personnel.

  1. II.   General Administration and Finance Development
  2. Administrative and Finance Development

This department is headed by Vice Rector for General Administration and Finance (Vice II) and comprises (1) Bureau of General Administration (BAU), (2) Bureau of Finance Administration (BAK), (3) Bureau of Procurement and Provision, (4) Bureau of Housekeeping and (5) Bureau Human Resources.

  1. Financial Sources: the main financial sources are (1) install fees, (2) tuition fees and (3) subsidies from the government of Timor Leste through the Minister of Education for extracurricular activities and teaching equipment.

UNPAZ also has got some in-kind support like second-hand computers from some Foreign Embassies accredited in Dili as well as some books donated by the Asia Foundation in Dili.

  1. 3.        Staffs Development

Staffs development is an outstanding program comprising (1) advanced studies at Master and Doctoral Courses for Teaching Staff and (2) on the job training and vestibular training for General Administration and Finance Officers.

The recruitment of new staff and the promotion of staff to new jobs is in function of academic qualification and professional competences.

There are some facilities to support the Staffs’ wellbeing like Canteen and Cooperative inside the main campus.

  1. III.        Students Development Services (SDS)

SDS deals with extra-curricular activities aiming to promote the formation of character and professionalism of Students.

Under the leadership of Vice-Rector for Students’ Affairs, there are three levels of Students’ Organization such as (1) Senate of University Students at University level, (2) Senate of Faculty Students at Faculty level and (3) Group of Students at Department level.

The outstanding programs concern seminars, workshops, public lectures, researches, sport, music, comparative visits, religious gatherings and others.



Universidade da Paz

A Universidade da Paz é composta por seis faculdades, com 14 cursos de licenciatura e quatro mestrados. São elas a Faculdade de Economia, a Faculdade de Direito, a Faculdade de Ciências Socias e Humanas, a Faculdade de Engenharia, a Faculdade de Tecnologia Agrícola e a Faculdade de Saúde Pública.

Universidade da Paz

Morada: Osindo – Manleuana


Contacto: (+670) 763 8566 / 788 7478


Cursos de Gradução (licenciaturas):

Faculdade de Economia:

– Gestão;

– Gestão bancária;

– Contabilidade;


Faculdade de Direito:

– Direito civil;

– Direito penal;


Faculdade de Ciências Sociais Humanas:

– Política de desenvolvimento;

– Relações internacionais;

– Estudos da paz;


Faculdade de Engenharia:

– Arquitectura;

– Cosntrução civil;

– Engenharia industrial;


Faculdade de Tecnologia Agrícola:

– Processamento Alimentar;

– Conservação ambiental;


Faculdade de Saúde Pública:

– Gestão de saúde pública.


Cursos de Mestrado:

– Direito;

– Gestão bancária;

– Relações internacionais;

– Administração pública.


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